Handing over Ceremony of User Friendly Fact Sheets and Brochures on “Your Child & The Law”

Front (l): Makalsia Shepherd (GARD Center), Ms. Jose Laurent (Diretor of Legal Aid), Mrs. Joycelyn Humphreys (Project Manager, GARD Center), Magistrate Ngaio Emanuel-Edwards (Chair of Child Justice Board) and Ms. Janice Michael (Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Legal Affairs)

In 2017 The GARD Center was awarded a grant from the European
Union to train 240 At-Risk youth to include non-incarcerated and
incarcerated in vocational skills. Our project was approved under the
title “Improving Opportunities for At-Risk, Probationary and
Incarcerated youth in Antigua and Barbuda.”

Back (l): Ms. Hildred Simpson (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of legal Affairs), Ms. Yvonne Ambrose (Rep. Community Development), Mr. Roland Moore (Crown Counsel, Legal Aid)

Within this Action, the Center was engaged to increase awareness
within communities and initiate community led advocacy on behalf of
youth impacted by crime and incarceration. One such component of
this project was to produce fact sheets and brochures with pertinent
information from the Child Justice laws of 2015 in a user-friendly
language for everyone to understand.
These brochures have been designed to provide a service to parents
and families whose youth are involved in the justice system and to
steer them in the right direction.

Your Child and the Law Part 1 with Key facts you should know if your
child is in conflict with the law. Your Child and the Law Part 2 with
information on Court proceedings, Offences, Detention and Rights of
the Child, and Part 3 contains information on Agencies that Parents
and Children can turn to before, during and after a child commits an
. Copies of these were presented to Magistrate Ngaio Emanuel-
Edwards, Chair of the Child Justice Board and Ms. Jose Laurent, Director
of Legal Aid for distribution to the public.

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