GARD Center CSA Course Highlights – EAG Sponsor

Our Sponsor for this Project

The Center has successfully completed 14 weeks of training in Community Climate Smart Agriculture with special focus on Business, Backyard Gardening and Hydroponics. This training sponsored by the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) focused on the communities of the North, East Marine Management Area (NEMMA). The course commenced on 31st May 2022 with sessions held every Tuesday – Thursday from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. at GARD Center. 

The latter part of the training encouraged participants to engage in practical, hands-on training and field visits were made to Hydroponics Farms and Backyard Gardens. The practical components also saw persons constructing raised beds, a compost bin, and a Mini Hydroponics unit as part of a Start-Up Kit. Additionally, participants engaged in planting seeds as well as transplanting seedlings into raised beds as part of their practical sessions. 

The Completion Ceremony for the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) was held on Wednesday 31st August 2022 at GARD Center and 8 out of 11 trainees receive certificates, a Mini Hydroponics and Backyard Garden Start-Up Kit with other complimentary tools to assist with their Backyard Gardening and Hydroponics journey.    

Practical Sessions and Field Visits for Backyard Gardening and Hydroponics Class Sessions

Bowen’s Hydroponics Field Visit

SHAADE Hydroponics Field Visit

Backyard Gardening Field Visit to Mr. Osborne’s Property

Crabbs Plant Nursery Field Visit

Cleaning GARDC Hydroponics System

Exploring Types of Hydroponic Systems

Finding Donkey Manure for Raised Garden Beds

Building Raised Beds

Constructing Compost Bin Using Pallets

Planting Cuttings of Flower Plants Using Powder in Perlite

Volunteering and Planting Seedlings

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