GARD Center – Caribbean Youth Empowerment Program Graduation Ceremony

GARD Center Caribbean Youth Empowerment Program (CYEP) Graduation Ceremony will be held on Thursday, 24 October, 2013, at the Ebenezer Methodist Church on St. Mary’s Street, John’s.
Seventy young men and women will be graduating after successfully completing training in Basic Cookery; Computer Repair; Food and Beverage Service; Garden Technician; Office Administration and Welding.
Invited guests include:  Her Excellency, Dame Louise Lake-Tack, Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda; Hon. Winston Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda; Her Excellency, Deborah Mae Lovell, Ambassador, Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda and Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to OAS.  Also expected to be in attendance are Mrs. Joanna Ramos-Romero, Program Manager of the International Youth Foundation, donor partner and representatives from the Business Community who willingly recruit our trainees into Internship, as part of their training exercise.