GARD Center NEW Courses for 2018 !!!

GARD Center announces its Upcoming Training Courses for Unemployed Youth in Antigua and Barbuda.

The GARD Center is offering Sponsored courses to Youth who qualify and are between the ages of 16 – 35 years, in Customer Service and Business Enterprise, which began in February 2018.

Additionally, 12 week courses will be held in Professional Hospitality Service,  Automotive Repair; Craft – Glass Jewelry Design, starting in April 2018. 

Each Technical course includes Life skills; Math and English and Information Technology.  Sessions are usually quite interactive.
Register now at 463-4121 or 562-0084.  There is a non-refundable Registration fee of EC$50.00.”

Thank you for your continued support as we continue to educate and empower the nation’s Youth.

EUAll courses are sponsored by a grant from the European Union.